A Cognitive Map of Goldsmiths, University of London

A Cartography of Transformation: Infrastructures of Feeling, Annotated Space


Purple: Connected to a text

Grey: Additional annotation

Yellow: Invitation to engage

As a response to the latest ‘Transformation Programme’ at Goldsmiths, we, a collective from MA Contemporary Art Theory, have created an interactive digital map of Goldsmiths, appropriating the official cartography of the university and remapping it with annotations. By moving through the architecture of Goldsmiths, the map situates a variety of thoughts on how a so-called restructuring of feelings takes place in and across these spaces, emanating from them, but also extending them and radiating into other spaces.

On the interactive map, locations are marked by purple, grey, and yellow markers. Those in purple are associated with texts which are either linked to the map, or can be found in the Texts section. Grey markers signify further annotations which provide additional context or information. The yellow markers invite the reader to take actions that not only intellectually grasp the place of the university, but also enable one to inhabit it through interventions.

In addition to the contributions that are directly linked to the map, there exists a glossary of terms that define the theoretical network spanned over the map in order to be able to move within it.

In addition, there is an archive containing contributions, projects and texts that have already been created in the spirit of the project. In this way, the project is not singular, but rather a part of a continuous resistance that understands the space of the university as something that has been repeatedly defined in the past and future as a resistance against and in its structure.

The map was created as part of a seminar in Spatial Biopolitics of the Master in Contemporary Art Theory at Goldsmiths University of London in the academic year 2023/2024. However, this serves only as a starting point: we also warmly invite anyone to contribute to the map, glossary, and archive, helping it to evolve, by using the Collaborate form. 

To read more in depth about the project and the origin of the concept ‘Restructures of Feeling’, please see the About page.